The "Stormarn - Team" proudly presents :

Ancestor research and History in Stormarn County, ca. 1550 - 1900

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Stormarn County : History and Stories

Brief outline of the history of Stormarn

Sorry, the following pages still need a translation

Founding of manors in Stormarn (external Link)
Taking over of mamors in Stormarn County, 1928
Nobles in Stormarn
History of manor Tangstedt / church Bergstedt
History of manors Jersbek and Stegen / church Sülfeld
History of manor Borstel / church Sülfeld
History of manor Grabau / church Sülfeld
History of manor Wandsbek
Queen Sophia Magdalena of Denmark visits Wandsbek manor
Heinrich Carl Schimmelmann (1724-1782)
A farmers war in manor Ahrensburg, 1715 - 1740
Persons from Stormarn County interviewed by justice (1559 bis 1612)
Fee for wedding, to pay a penetentiary1730 / 1766
How to bury a flayer : two unusual church book entries
Work orders from 1594
Curch visitations by Broder Boysen, 1609
Oath of homage in Rethwisch / Oldesloe with list of inhabitants, 1761
Quotations from Eichede curch books
Remembrance of a maid-servant, 1910 - 1914